Height: 6' 1"
GPA: 3.87
Weight: 202
SAT: 1210
ACT: 24
NCAA Portal: instagramisdumb
Age: 18
HS Class: 2022
High School: Jupiter
State: FL
City: Jupiter
Cell: (561) 888-2200
Email: johnsmith2022@gmail.com
Instagram: instagramisdumb
Twitter: twitterisdumber
Source: Perfect Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sCbk2G-REU
60yd Dash: 6.91
Throw Velo: 87 mph (from position)
Exit Velo: 85 mph
Broad Jump: 10' 6"
Vertical Jump: 33"
Grip: 321 (dfadfa machine)
60yd Dash | Throw Velo | Exit Velo | Broad Jump | Vertical Jump | Grip Strength |
Fri., June 20 | Book It | ||||
Thu., June 19 | Book It | ||||
Sat., June 28 | Book It | ||||
Wed., July 6 | Book It |
P = High to mid round draft potential
D1+ = Power D1 to potential draft
D1 = Mid-major to power D1 college
D2+ = D2 college or mid-major D1 potential
D2 = D2 college
D3+ = D3 college or D2 potential
D3 = D3 college
NRP = not rated but possible potential to develop in Juco
NR = not rated