Co-ed ages 4 to 13
Fun - Fair - Affordable
No yelling or criticism. Coaches teach fundamentals. No more than 1 inning on the bench per game. Everyone bats, gets chances to play infield, and gets chances to pitch in player-pitch divisions.
Lower cost than other leagues. Financial assistance (free for qualifying players). Discount for active military, police, firefighters, EMTs, and Homeland Security.
None. Pursuant to Florida laws and the Governor's Executive Orders, we respect parents' right to determine what is best for themselves and their children.
Tee Ball (4-7), Rookies (7-10), Minors (8-11), & Majors (11-13). League age is actual age on May 1st of the current year. Division ages overlap so players can be assigned to the right division for their ability level.
Tee Ball plays on 50 ft bases. Outs and score are not kept. Every player bats each inning. One hour time limit.
Rookies play on 60 ft bases with a sling pitching machine (helps young players learn without worrying about being hit by pitches).
Minors play on 60 ft bases, 46 ft pitcher's mound, players pitch, no leads, no steals.
Majors play on 70 ft bases, 50 ft pitcher's mound, with leads and steals.

Each season, we need volunteers to coach and other volunteers to help with league functions.
Coaching requires roughly 2 hours twice a week during the season (one weekday evening practice and one Friday evening or Saturday morning game).
League volunteer roles typically require 2-4 hours per week depending on the position. Some positions require time at the field on game days, but other positions can be performed whenever you have time available during the week. The following roles are open and are also Advisory Board positions:
- Sponsor Coordinator
- Umpire Coordinator
- Equipment/Uniforms Coordinator
- Fields Coordinator
- Division Coordinators
We also need parent volunteers week to week to help with field prep, concession stand, etc.